Professional Internet Marketer

This is to certify that

Antoine Loup

has completed the Professional Training Course

in "Search Engine Marketing"

with the score

92 out of 100

Certificate number: PIM-1322381; Issued on: December 29, 2007; Valid through: December 28, 2008.



Web CEO Ltd. confirms that the holder of the certificate is competent to provide expertise, consulting and services in the following fields of the Internet Marketing:

* Search Engine Marketing
* Web Analytics
* Bid Management
* Email Marketing
* Affiliate Marketing

the "Internet Marketing Professional" course covers the following skills:

  • Internet niche research, advanced keyword competitiveness analysis and keyword strategy;
  • On-page and off-page search engine optimization for enhanced Web visibility;
  • Advanced and site-specific optimization techniques;
  • Website structural optimization;
  • Rank monitoring and ranking trends analysis;
  • Setting up link partnerships, improving link popularity and external site theme;
  • Site quality assessment and site quality management;
  • Web Analytics, visitors' behavior analysis;
  • Website conversion and ROI analysis and improvement;
  • Advanced PPC strategies;
  • Advanced Bid management;
  • Setting up, running and analyzing email marketing campaigns;
  • Setting up affiliate programs and optimizing their performance.

Sorry, the certificate you have requested (1322381) expired on December 28, 2008.

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